Ms. Sangay Lhamo, Asst. Research officer

Philosophy of work:

To get my job done without procrastination, judgement and flaws so that my service benefit all. I believe in the importance of personal relationship among the colleagues so that a comfort zone is maintained to approach one another anytime, anywhere. I believe that “My responsibility should rather be a shell to tortoise than a load to donkey”; my job is like a limb of my body, and as I carry it along, it is my home in which I rest and feel secure. A profession is not just our income, it is a life companion with which we grow wise. I am enthusiastic to gain new knowledge and innovate ideas for greater impact. I believe that one can always go beyond one’s responsibility and explore the world so that one does not die with the same single title but holds different titles from different individuals living around you.

Academic/Educational Qualification:

(Degree): BA. English and Media Studies from Sherubtse College

(Class XII): Bio-Science from Mongar Higher Secondary School

(Class X): Garpawoong Middle Secondary School

Professional experience:

Currently serving as Assistant Research officer at Samtse college of Education.

Current responsibilities:

  1. Send out agendas for CRC meetings to the members after discussion with DRIL (please look at samples of agenda from CRC, CAC, and CMC meetings).
  2. Record minutes of CRC meetings, Conform it with the Chair of CRC, Get it signed by CRC members, Scan it, file the original and send the scanned copies to members (read few minutes from CRC, CAC and CMC meetings).
  3. Write website news on significant occasions (read through the college website news to see the content covered, length, and style of writing).
  4. Coordinate the collection and organization of articles for Shes-Rig PAGES (meeting with lecturer Tshering and the Student Research and Writing Team).
  5. College Research Stimulus Fund (CRSF):
    1. Collect proposals for CRSF and send it out for evaluation after discussion with DRIL,
    2. collect the evaluated proposals, compile the rating and comments to be presented to CRC,
    3. Prepare note-sheet for fund release (see samples of note-sheet),
    4. Prepare and send out letter of award to the accepted proposals (50%),
    5. Monitor the CRSF progress report (two times – half yearly and completion report),
    6. Issue letter of award (25%) upon submission completion of report,
    7. Issue award letter (25%) upon presentation of evidence of publication.
  6. Collect and Compile documents for APA (July 2019 – June 2020):
    1. Faculty engagement in research (Make a three column table – Sl.No, Name, Title of the Research Work engaged, Prepare faculty list and move around ocassionally to collect data).
    2. Active International Collaboration (Office orders of academic movement between two institutions, reports written by coordinators, photographs, email communication, letter of Intent etc.).
    3. Research Grants Received (evidences of the grant award letter – discuss with DRIL)
    4. Joint research projects with national and international institutions (evidences of joint projects – discuss with DRIL).
    5. Number of books/book chapters etc. published in the fiscal year (send out email requests to faculty asking them to share you a copy of their publications – book, book chapter and conference proceedings).
    6. Number of journal articles published in the fiscal year (send out email requests to faculty asking them to share you a copy of their articles published in peer reviewed journals).
    7. No of research events such as conferences and seminars organized in the fiscal year (Faculty and Student notices, announcements, reports, and photographs).
    8. Number of scholars international/national visit to the college (make a table with, name and address, date of visit, and purpose of visit – evidences such as boffice orders, reports, and photographs).
    9. Promotion and Branding (Newsletter, journal, college T-Shirt, Cups, Pens, Note-pad, etc) – collect from Procurement officer and keep it in your office.
  7. International Visitors:
    1. Prepare note-sheet (read different samples of note-sheet)
    2. Organize documents for visa purposes to be submitted to DRER, OVC, Thimphu (scanned copies of the passport, filled visa form, nomination/declaration letter, and detail programme schedule – DRIL will provide samples).
    3. Receive and escort guests when necessary
    4. Organize reception (Khadar, refreshments, and dinners)
    5. Coordinate meetings with the management and other relevant stakeholders
    6. Write report of the visit (see sample reports)
    7. Coordinate all local events for the visitor in discussion with DRIL
  8. Assist DRIL in the organization of research events

Publications (If any):



Interested in reading research articles and conducting researches in the near future. Motivating other staffs to come with new research ideas and assisting them to prepare for higher degree research.

Email address: