Mr. Bal Bdr Mongar, Lecturer

Philosophy of teaching and learning:

Teaching and learning is a continuous and two way process and the teacher needs to keep on updating and validating the information. Teaching learning becomes effective when students are actively involved. Students enjoy teaching when the concept is related to their experiences and connected to the real life situation and the world around them. Listening to student’s voice and respecting their sincere opinions are more important than forcing our views on them. Uplifting the lowest rung student to the higest level is very important. Therefore, identifying needs of every student and giving attention accordingly is essential. Imparting of values through exemplary role modeling is more important than simply pouring content knowledge.

Academic/Educational Qualification:

M.Sc. Zoology


  1. Sc. General

Professional experience:

Teaching in School (1999-2005)

Teaching in College (2007 till date)

Facilitator for “Introduction to University learning and Teaching”

Development of 18 months PgDE Biology education module

Development of M. Ed. Modules (Misconceptions in Biology and Advanced Studies in Biology)

Facilitator for laboratory lab management for School science Lab assistant

Current responsibilities:

B Ed. II yr –Human Anatomy & Physiology

B Ed. IV yr-Genetics and Evolution

M Ed.-Misconceptions in Biology

Programme leader-B Ed Secondary

Class advisor-B. Ed. IV yr Science B

Membership in External Bodies:


  1. Ed. Secondary programme



Current research engagement:

Anxiety of students in Science and Mathematics

Awards: None

Research interest:

Environmental degradation


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