Mr. Ransingh Tamang, Lecturer

Philosophy of teaching and learning:

My guiding philosophy states that the journey of teaching and learning is continuous and lifelong. It is not only limited to what we learn in classroom settings but it is beyond that level. In this educational journey, teacher possesses a major role in building student’s personality. By knowing that each learner has different strengths with different learning needs, it is the responsibility of a teacher to facilitate student in gaining knowledge, skills, and critical thinking by implementing various innovative strategies. I strongly believe that the integration of technology is a great equalizer that helps foster a student centered-learning. The technology rich environment allows students to venture away from isolated learning into successful partner and small group setting.

Academic/Educational Qualification:

M.Sc Zoology (special) from University of Madras, India.

Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching Information System (PGCTIS)   from Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan

Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from Samtse College of Education, Bhutan

B.Sc (General) from Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan

Professional experience:

  1. Teaching experience

23 years of teaching experience, 16 years teaching experience at the College level and 7 years taught at the school. At Samtse College, I teach biology, professional, Informational technology and research modules to following programme both regular and part time.

  1. Ed Biology
  2. PgDE (Regular and Part time)
  3. Ed (Regular and Part time)
  4. Diploma programmes like DSSLM and DLIM (Part time)
  1. Facilitator/ Resources person
  2. Resource person for Inductive Work to new recruit RUB faculties at SCE 2016 and Gedu 2019 – facilitated on module VLE  and Educational Technology
  3. Resource person for laboratory management workshop at SCE 2017- facilitated on laboratory safety and first aids and interior lab design.
  4. Facilitated professional learning series (PLS) to teaching faculties on preparing interactive video for flipped classroom on 7th & 14th August 2019.
  5. Facilitated Chiphen Rigphel workshop at Samtse and Phuntsholing 2011- 2013 during  the winter  break time for Principals, DEOs and Teachers.
  6. Participate as member of panel of  reviewing Team for  the  National  Science and  Environmental Science  for  IX and X textbook 2014.
  7. Programme management experience
  8. Worked as M.Ed programme coordinator from 213-2014
  9. Worked as Programme Leader for DSSLM from 2015-2018
  10. Research and write the modules
    1. Research and developed the Self Instructional Material (SIM) on modules Introductory Science for DE B.Ed in 2005.
    2. Research and developed SIM for DE B.Ed, DLIM and PgDE programme on module Functional Information Technology in 2008 and 2012 respectively.
    3. Research and developed the SIM for Diploma in school science laboratory (DSSLM) namely the modules Evolution and Biochemistry and Functional Information Technology (FIT) in 2013.
    4. Reviewed the B.Ed and PgDE Biology Curriculum and Student’s Hand book 2012.
    5. Research and developed module descriptors for M.Ed in Biology on the modules Technology and Teaching Aids (BIE602) and Advanced module (Biology) ADS III – 2015
    6. Research and developed module descriptor Biology Education ( BIE502) for 18 month PgDE
    7. Research and wrote a chapter pollution on the environmental science for as part optional subject in classes IX to XII in National School curriculum.
    8. Research and developed  professional development training package for school science laboratory assistants – 2017 offered to more than 300 participants

Current responsibilities:

  1. Subject leader (Biology Unit)
  2. Committee for Examination and Assessment Unit
  3. Committee member of M.Ed programme

Membership in External Bodies:


Tamang,R.S. (2008). Larvicidal effect of soap nut extract on mosquito larva. Chennai, India: Madras University Press.

Utha, K., Tamang, R.S., Namgyel, N., Gyeltshen, S., Doma, D.  & Wangmo (2018). Impact of lecturers’ feedback on student learning: A case study in Samtse College of Education. Bhutan Journal of Research Development (BJRD), 7(12), p.1-14

Current research engagement:

  1. The effectiveness of interactive video in teaching and learning Biology to pre-service teachers at Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan.


  1. Recipient of award of Academic Excellent in Bachelor of Science (general) 1996, Sherubtse College.
  2. Recipient of award of Academic Excellent in Master of Zoology (special) 2008, University of Madras.

Research interest:

  1. Climate change and its impact on human and animal behavior.
  2. Climate change and its impact on plants and animals migration.
  3. Impact of ICT in teaching and learning.
  4. Teaching and learning enhancement ICT tools.

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